A customized, clean, and easy-to-maintain layout throughout the year. The selection of plants includes both conifers and perennials, along with a color palette that blends beautifully with the deep green backdrop.
Obiectivele: Perimetralul gardului s-a dorit a fi ascuns de plante, o alee care sa uneasca iesirea din spate a casei catre zona de grill cu o gradina mica si texturata care sa le imbine armonios, lucru pe care nu l-am gasit chiar usor de realizat datorita diversitatii de plante cu care puteam sa ma "joc". Incadrarea s-a dovedit a fi cel mai minutios element care trebuia luat in considerare.
Natural stone paths or minimalist concrete slabs gently winding through the different sections of the garden. This type of garden layout offers a harmonious atmosphere, blending natural elements with functional and aesthetic designs.
A garden design that creates a relaxing and aesthetic space, combining nature with decorative elements.